Existence: Absolute & Relative
Who am I? Why am I? Where am I? How did I happen exactly?
So many unanswered questions. Continuing the premise from my previous post about life and death.
I believe I am real. I am real because I perceive the world through my senses. I witness my physical existence. Taking a closer look at my existence, I feel I should revise my statement to I believe I physically exist. I am associated with a medium (my physical body) that enables me to perceive the physical universe. So probably I'm just a consciousness that is aware of this physical world as long as its attached to a functioning medium.
May be this feeling of awareness within me, till my consciousness is aware of this perceivable physical universe, can be referred to as the feeling of being alive.
The association of consciousness with a functioning body is a function of time and is commonly referred as life.
This association deteriorates with time due to limitations of physical body. Of course, it would change with time, thats why I referred to it as a function of time :)
Consciousness gets less and less aware of surrounding stimulus and signals due to fading capabilities of sense organs to eventual death of physical body, making consciousness completely unaware about the physical universe.
Loss of complete awareness of this physical universe could be what happens after death. In other words, death or state of death is the time frame during which a consciousness cannot perceive this physical universe as a function of time due to being disassociated with a functioning body.
Therefore, until I can perceive this universe through my sense organs, I think I exist (relative existence). May be "I exist" is not the appropriate word here. Let's have a closer look into my existence.
Life could be thought of as journey from birth to death of physical body. I don't have any memories of my early childhood. Therefore, even though my physical body existed before the last memory & time I could remember, I doubt I existed. Let's come to the memory part for an instance. Not only do I believe I exist, I also believe I have historically existed, thanks to my memory. I have active relations and friends who are witness to my existence in past. As long as I have access to my memory, I will keep on believing in my historical existence. Since, I do not possess any memory of my early childhood, I am not sure if I existed.
My apologies if this sounds absurd or confusing. I am still struggling to understand this.
So, let's continue about our understanding of life. I believe I'm alive till I can perceive this world through my physical body. Since this body has limitations, I have limitations.
For eg, there is only a limited portion of wavelength of light (electromagnetic spectrum) that I can perceive, known as the visible spectrum. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 380 to about 750 nanometers. Below is image when white light is dispersed by a prism into the colours of the visible spectrum. Similarly, there is a limitations in terms of frequencies that I can hear, known as audible spectrum or hearing range. The human range is commonly given as 20 to 20,000 Hz.
Now, my brain is very creative. As we have stored these signals of vision or sound or other stimulus into our memories, the brain gets creative and it can imagine a vast variety of, huge permutations and combinations of these signals, forcing me to believe that I can think, I can imagine and I can imagine anything! Root of the fucking creativity stuff :D
Bahat deep hai. Interesting read though. What is consciousness? I am confused now!